Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pittsburgh Show

Our "newest" Maryann did a super job at our "make-n-take" table.

The show in Pittsburgh was lots of fun and we met some stampers that we only knew as "on-line buddies" before the show. It's so great to actually meet people in person who I already consider friends just by knowing them from the internet. We have three weekends at home now but much to do since we will then have three weekends of shows.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Celebrating Freedom

We took a few days off to go camping in the local state park.
This frog jumped through our campsite one evening as we sat around the campfire.
It hopped right over my sister's feet and nearly scared her to death.

We saw many deer as we hiked and biked around the park.

We hope your celebration of our Independence was great. We are preparing for our trip to the Pittsburgh, PA area for a show this weekend. It is in Monroeville on the 12th and 13th. The details are on our website.